"Miss S"
"Master M"
"Miss S"
"Master M"
And then on Sunday I went on a tour of Springbrook in the Lamington National Park just inland from the Gold Coast of Queensland. Having been so sick it was quite a tiring day but I am still glad I went. Was good to catch up with some good friends and good to get out and enjoy our beautiful country.....what it right at my doorstep!
In this photo the little white dot in the sky is actually the moon...it was about 3.30pm and the moon was already getting quite high in the sky. Down toward the right you can see a darker patch which is a beautiful waterfall.
Along the rainforest walk there was a couple of little spots where the rockfaces touched and it created a little tunnel to walk through...this is just one of them. They were really cool :)
Just one of the many waterfalls we got to see (and photograph) I love these ones from up high...you can't even see where it ends...waterfalls fascinate me....where does all the water come from? I really should investigate this so I can finally stop obsessing over it! rofl
This is one of my favourites too, I think its almost magical and I love the colours. You actually had to walk behind 2 of these waterfalls which was kinda freaky....and wet!
Going away this coming weekend so will hopefully have some enchanting baby photos to show you all when I return :)
Oh and I have some canvas' to pick up today...will have to show you how they turned out as well...excited about collecting those too :)
Until next time....ciao!