Thursday, July 31, 2008

Newborn Photography in Brisbane

I had the cutest little newborn to photograph yesterday.... he was such a little darling :) He didn't actually sleep much but he didn't cry much either :) He was so little and curly....was 2 weeks old but was 3 weeks technically he should still be in the belly!!

Here are a couple of shots so far :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Brisbane City : The Victory Hotel Burnt Down on the weekend!

so anyone who knows Brisbane has heard of the Victory hotel....and if you haven't you must live under a rock! lol The Victory is one of the most well known night spots of Brisbane Australia. In the wee hours of Sunday morning...a fire in the basement started & now the Victory Hotel is no more.... the popular night spot was in full swing, therefore it had to be evacuated. Thankfully there were no serious injuries or fatalities... a few people were treated for smoke inhalation.... and I am sure that there were many intoxicated people to contend with.

I was in the city on Sunday for a Hunt & Shoot with my Camera Club.... so took the opportunity to take some photos..... also took a few of the Treasury Building.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Models, girls & Medieval Times.

Wow time has been going by fast..... been really busy with work... been conducting interviews for 3 different positions we have going so that has been taking up quite a bit of time... have 2 new people starting on a trial this week coming...and one more who we are thinking of putting on! Busy Busy Busy... where do I find the time to process photos? Its called an obsession....I find the time!! lol Call me insane!

Anyways, here are a few more edits from the Model shoot... a couple of shots from the medieval fair... and just a couple of my beautiful girls :)
"Be Mine"


"Friends Forever"



"The Journey to the End"

"The Sword"



Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pullenvale and Sunday :)

Went to a big model shoot at Pullenvale on Sunday...what an awesome location for photos...the property is being cultivated as a photography site so there are some lovely places to shoot....including a very old barn, very old wooden fencing...and the loveliest old rickety wooden bridge! I would love to have that so readily available!!

So I had a fantastic time...a bit overwhelming at times and I was absolutely exhausted by the end of it.....and had just under 1000 photos to my name by the end of it :)

There were a number of models there and I am not even sure I got photos of all of them?? lol But I think I got some pretty good shots that I am pretty happy with...and will add them as time goes by....including some more adding of shots I have taken over the past few weeks....had so much going on I have thousands of images to process its going to take me a while!!!

So here we go................... a few shots from the Pullenvale shoot!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A few more .....

Just a few pics from the medieval festival & model shoot from the weekend!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A weekend to start my week.

A few shots from my wonderful, fully packed, photographic weekend....the first half of my weekend was spent with my beautiful family at the Abbey Medieval Festival...the second half was spent with Rod Talbot and Mark Glenday and the beautiful Kristy :)

Just a few shots...I am sure there will be more to come :)

"Knight in Shining Armour"

"The Sultan"

"Pearls of Wisdom"

"Back to Basics"

"The Rose"

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hooray its Wednesday!

Morning, just thought I would add a few more of the pics I have been editing lately.........

These first ones were taken in Newcastle a couple of weeks ago when I was down there visiting a friend.....

Last night I thought I would set up my backdrop stand and one of the backdrops I bought about 6 weeks ago....and test out my new lights (well one of them anyway) for the first time since I bought them when I was sick about 4 weeks ago. Dante was the only guinea pig home, and he is not too keen on his photo being I didn't get perfect photos but some were cute anyway...most of the time he wasn't in front of the backdrop properly though and no matter how hard I tried he didn't want to stay! rofl Will add some more once I edit them.
And a few more pics of the girls taken a few weeks ago....the first one was Krista's idea...she wanted to make it look like she had no hands...just a bit of fun :)

And just one more of the edits from the BCG portrait workshop I did a week or so ago. Looking forward to the next shoot with BCG which is on 20/7.

I am going to the medieval fayre this saturday so I am hoping to get some great photos from that :) Also get some ideas for Krista & Bella's headwear for the medieval feast on their scout camp which is in September :) Sunday I have my Studio course with Rod Talbot......just looking forward to more experience behind the lights so I can feel I know what I am doing a bit more so I can practice on my kids....if they will co-operate! rofl