Monday, June 23, 2008

Some PMA shoot photos :)

Ok so you may remember I did a fun shoot a few weeks back now after the PMA with some other photographers :) Well I have recieved one of the release forms I needed to show some of those pics off so here are a couple... still gotta wait on the other releases to show any more... but they will come!

"Miss G"

"Miss M"

My serious little man!
Went to a friends house in Newcastle for the weekend....did some pics of her 10 year old daughter and her newborn son... he is 7 weeks so not as new as I would have liked but have not been able to get down there until now. Bub didn't want to co-operate but had fun shooting her young lass :) She had fun too I think...well it was her idea to do a shoot with her in it so she must like her pic being taken at least! :)
So here is a couple from down there...will add some more after I have a chance to process...really gotta finish processing the couple shoot pics before I more on to my own shoots.

"Miss S"

"Master M"


Renee Bell said...

Hey mate printer now working so the release is in the mail :-)
Oh and when did you visit Newcastle?? You didnt come see me :-(

Whint said...

Oh honey I didn't know you lived in Newcastle.... I know REgina does but I don't know her that well. Sorry about that....I will make sure I let you know when I come down next!! I was down there last weekend.


Love those red glasses!
Great shots Whint.

Whint said...

Thanks Meaghan :)

Anonymous said...

Oh look at my girlies there, really great shots.